Photo of Josephine Chuk

Changes to the capital gains inclusion rate and the employee stock option deduction rate (as proposed in Budget 2024) will apply to stock options exercised and shares sold on or after June 25, 2024

The new measure reduces the stock option deduction and capital gains tax exemption from 1/2 of the taxable amount to 1/3 of the taxable amount, if an individual’s annual combined limit of CAD 250,000 has been exceeded. The individual taxpayer can choose how to allocate the preferential tax treatment between the stock option income and capital gains to the extent the combined limit has been exceeded. 

There is still uncertainty as to how employers should manage tax withholding on stock option income (i.e., apply a 1/2 or 1/3 exemption), given they would not be in a position to know whether the combined limit has been reached by the employee and how the employee has chosen to allocate the exemptions. Further technical changes in the legislation are expected to be introduced at the end of July 2024 that may provide additional clarification on this point. For now, it may be reasonable for employers to assume that only 1/3 of the stock option income is exempt and withhold taxes accordingly and leave it up to the employees to claim the 1/2 deduction (if available) when they file their individual tax returns. Continue Reading Changes to Taxation of Stock Options and Capital Gains – Effective Immediately