The Ontario government introduced Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act (“Bill 66”) on December 6, 2018. If passed, Bill 66 will make amendments to several pieces of legislation in Ontario. The government has stated that its objective in introducing these changes is to “lower business costs to make Ontario more competitive” and to “harmonize regulatory requirements with other jurisdictions, end duplication and reduce barriers to investment.” We outline below the proposed changes to the province’s labour and employment legislation below.
Continue Reading Ontario’s War on “Red Tape” Continues: PC’s Table Bill 66
regulatory changes
4 Month Check-Up: Is Your Business Ready for an Immigration Inspection?

The federal government recently implemented a more stringent compliance regime which directly affects employers using a work permit stream to hire foreign talent in Canada. New compliance and enforcement regulations are here to stay, including the most recent introduction of Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) which took effect on December 1, 2015.
Continue Reading 4 Month Check-Up: Is Your Business Ready for an Immigration Inspection?
Canadian Immigration Update: Top 4 Developments Employers Need to Know

The Liberal Government recently introduced new immigration programs and initiatives in support of their stated mandate of promoting multilateralism. The Government has also highlighted the need to bolster security efforts within Canada and has introduced a new security requirement for certain foreign nationals travelling to Canada by air.
Canadian employers should be aware of the following developments:Continue Reading Canadian Immigration Update: Top 4 Developments Employers Need to Know